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Enterprise module today and everyone wore formal! So wore my formal w blazer today. But wore it during the 2nd meeting as i gotten cold lolz. Tried out to be a interviewer with Kai to and the interviewee is Danielle lolz... i think should be the other way then correct as her eng is alot better then mine lolz. So asked couple of question and the Gilbert show us our mistakes then i realize that interviewing is not so easy lolz. You can know how the person feel or think with the actions they have. Like swing left and right, folding your arms, how you sit and etc. Then during the lunch break, after eating i borrowed Haja's friend's cam to take photo and it start the ball rolling and we start to take photo and more people joined lolz. We took till we do not bother our PPTs haha. In that 1hr we took about 210 photos! If we take it that the duration we use to take photo is 1hr, means we took 1 photo every 17 secs! lolz. So after we took our final group photo we went to rush our PPTs lolz. During presentation, Gilbert ask us to grade other teams and after their presentations ask them to go out and we evaluate them as a class. Kinda fun though. But when it is our turn to present we are stress! But my intel says that nth concern me so its alright haha. Then after class we continue to take somemore which i'm like a photo booth machine la... take alr then "Next" then nxt gp of ppl come in then take alr shout "Next" again lolz. so in the end the number went up to about 270 if i'm not wrong haha. Will wait for Haja to upload all the photo into FB and tag... feel she will tag like duno wad hahaz.

**Can't upload it individually into blogger as the post bar is gone which i duno y so i use photobucket slideshohow. Anyone got any idea how to fix the problem tell me pls thx!!**


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About me

Guowei currently study DIDM in RP and in W14E.
Attending City Harvest Church, in a lovely cg N355 and having fun serving in Usher Ministry in G15S1B. Knows how to play guitar and a Apple supporter!


New phone (preferably Iphone 3GS)
Give tution (more money)
New CPU casing (Half/Full Tower)
My own room after moving to Yishun
Able to do well academically