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Had cognitive today. Problem is about is there such thing as "useless" knowledge. Today discussion was very long due to one group not wanting to give up and admit wrong lolz... but the faci stop it as we were already overtime lolz. Gootn back some of the daily grades result and i got A for my math!! damm happy la... as i nvr gotten A for my math and it is my 1st time! Programming also gotten A haha. Intend to go and play 1 hour of pool but due to the delay it was canceled. So maybe tml if i do not need to help pack my house and cannot make it for FOP.... but wanna go FOP sia... BTW yst's pool was fun. played for quite some time so 2 table ends up 50 over bucks! lol... but divide by 8 pppl so each person about 7 nia so not too bad haha. Tml enterprise will be sian la... then aft sch need go collect my blazer...

Skipped school today. leave school after first meeting hehe. so now class left 2 Wilsons, Yasmin, Daryl, Thomas and Jino. The faci dam stupid face lol. Then she speaks no one can understand so everyone nvr go. Y? becuase Ah Wen go reservice then a relief faci come. Dam stupid lolz. so went to CWP de mac haha. Ate hotcakes w sausage. Then now slack in mac lol. Ltr go play pool wif Jem and Wilson Tan haha. BTW finally can upload pic so i gonna upload a photo i edited last time while i'm bored

Went to eat breakfast with JC, LX & YB. Meet JC first then head to meet LX and head to buy our breakfast before going to church. As usual, brought the pancake haha. But today brought 1 more extra to eat lolz. Then head to church to eat first as YB is meeting Niven so will be late. Saw Ivy and she asked me to acompany her to buy refreshments for her ushers. So walk around and finally decided to buy soy milk. But was there thinking how to bring back? 28 cups! So in the end the uncle box the 28 cups of soy milk into 2 boxes of beer box. Then i help her carry those 2 boxes back to church and everyone is looking and thinking why is someone buying beer ti church i guess lolz. After bringing it down to b2 went back up to cafe and not long saw Fiona and she ask me acompany her to find her bible. Search the reception counter and search at the stairs. Nvr know the stairs for lost and found lolz. But onli manage to find her notebook. Guess she will need to buy a new bible but she said that that bible is memorable as it is her first bible. After that went up to cafe again and after awhile they left and joined cg. Went down to que and when we got to the floor area we cannot fins YQ and sebas so we to take 2 rows @ A3 first. about 5 mins ltr then saw him and he said that the ldrs door open late. heng got go take sits if not gg lolz. But went to help greg fill A1 1st row so did not sit wif cg. Service was great. Drama dam power lolz. "pure water" hehe.. sermon was great also, we must unite as a "body" and not neglecting other services and ministries and work and care as one as we break our body like Him for everyone else. After service went to eat ban mian and headed home. Slpt awhile and watch the Liverpool VS Singapore match. Expected results haha. but nice game though... even though like what i predicted that sg will go home eating egg haha. Haiz tml back to sch and programming!! hopefully able to work with 3 people! BTW anyone wanna watch Harry Potter?? heard not so nice but wanna watch le XD.

Stayed at home throughout the day. Packed some stuff of mine... hmm i think is just like 5%?? lolz... nown onli got 1 box and 1 round container nia... need to pack everything by next sat. Any kind soul wanna come help me?? Or help me to move also can haha. Had also upgrade my com from Windows XP to Windows Se7en. Kinda cool and still does not really know how to use the functions... also switch my music player from Winamp to iTunes. Why? As i forgot to backup the equalizer which is the best la... not like those normal ones you push it to the extreme u can hear the song distorted. Haiz still need to search it though, iTunes equalizer is like kinda shitty? i put to "Rock" mode my woofer like there vibrating non-stop and the sharpness is still "blant" compare to my Winamp equalizer T~T... haiz... hopefully by God's grace i can find it haha. Tweek my windows abit, add a clock to my desptop which i find it cool, a dock like a mac.(mac lover bo bian XD) and a interesting wallpaper. By any chance you come to my house u will be able to see it haha. Didn't went for the Ignite... wanted to go but no one to accompany me go so didn't went. Service tml and I'm not serving... finally lolz... after tml will be mon which means back to my PBL lessons again =.=... nvm 4 more weeks to the end of Sem 1! Means Sem 2 is comming and means new classmates and new modules but not all... still have problem solving, maths, and marketing which i think is like my Sem 1's enterprise? Hopefully new class got ppl to target HEHEHE XD. But still i will miss my facis in Sem 1 and my classmates! But now onwards in class i do something some other people cannot alr!!! dam exciting... but this will be a risk for my daily grade lolz... hopefully wont be drawn by it too much XD

** woops now then i realize i lock my comments to onli registered people can comment. So just opened it and hopefully wont kana bot like my WP blog =.= **

Enterprise module today and everyone wore formal! So wore my formal w blazer today. But wore it during the 2nd meeting as i gotten cold lolz. Tried out to be a interviewer with Kai to and the interviewee is Danielle lolz... i think should be the other way then correct as her eng is alot better then mine lolz. So asked couple of question and the Gilbert show us our mistakes then i realize that interviewing is not so easy lolz. You can know how the person feel or think with the actions they have. Like swing left and right, folding your arms, how you sit and etc. Then during the lunch break, after eating i borrowed Haja's friend's cam to take photo and it start the ball rolling and we start to take photo and more people joined lolz. We took till we do not bother our PPTs haha. In that 1hr we took about 210 photos! If we take it that the duration we use to take photo is 1hr, means we took 1 photo every 17 secs! lolz. So after we took our final group photo we went to rush our PPTs lolz. During presentation, Gilbert ask us to grade other teams and after their presentations ask them to go out and we evaluate them as a class. Kinda fun though. But when it is our turn to present we are stress! But my intel says that nth concern me so its alright haha. Then after class we continue to take somemore which i'm like a photo booth machine la... take alr then "Next" then nxt gp of ppl come in then take alr shout "Next" again lolz. so in the end the number went up to about 270 if i'm not wrong haha. Will wait for Haja to upload all the photo into FB and tag... feel she will tag like duno wad hahaz.

**Can't upload it individually into blogger as the post bar is gone which i duno y so i use photobucket slideshohow. Anyone got any idea how to fix the problem tell me pls thx!!**

Stayed at home for the whole day. Thx for those that concern about me for these 2 days. Gotten better now and tml going to sch lol... missed 2 day of sch and someone is missing me for not going toilet wif him alr LOL... i noe sounds wrong but thats the fact haha... played Dragonica the whole day and do nth much. Fri need to wear formal and it will be my 2nd time wearing formal with blazer... maybe after that bring it to wash as had not washed it after i brought it lolz. Sat going yishun to clean up my house and will be moving in soon haha. finally move back to my old town alr... miss those time living in Yishun... but will be temp lo.. maybe aft 1yr or so will move again. need see wads God's plan for my family and i hope from this situation on will be all positive stuffs!

Did not went to sch today as not feeling well. Cant slp through the night as well, so woke up and use com to make myself very tired then go slp lol.. Went to see doc today and lucky not H1N1 lol.. it's just throat infection and some virus which make it worst! Bind the virus in Jesus name! lol... duno if wanna go sch tml anot as the doc gave me 2 days MC. Tml also not sure if wanna go Xin Wang anot... haiz... so many stuff duno wanna do anot.

Today did programming... kinda simple actually lolz. changed team and team wif Jem and Saihah. other 2 which did not come were kian chee and eunice... can say slacked through metting 1 and 2 LOL. Then during meeting 3 then we start work and manage to finish it as it is kinda simple as there is a guide given and all we need to do is follow it! lol. After sch went to watch Ice Age 3 with my friends and it was a nice show! kinda funny though... the squirrel (dunno if it is) and some of the parts like "i thought you is a mother..." and "its a male! (its a tail) oh its a female" LOL... really need to go and watch yourself. Develop severe sore throat and flu which flow non-stop in half a day! was like wth? if it gotten worst i might not go sch tml XD

Today service is not bad, Pst Kong finally came back woots! Stage 2 for the day. Beginning of the service already cock up alr. Alot of loop holes in the hall... but in the end i think ok lo... when stand by at backstage wif the water Pst Kong came and stood beside me but onli lack of 1 thing, camera! lolz.. he taller then me sia... but about the same lolz. Then when offering time nvr pass envelope to him go reason de... is because i wait very long alr and he nvr ask then someone beside me ask then i gave her then pst ask for it... timing damm accurate LOL. Svc atmosphere was very good, ends at 3. Then do chair stack back and head to buy my shoe. finally brought it at Hush puppies which got 60% off! $122.5 aft disc become $45! kio sai sia lol... so brought it and went home after that. Then reach home not long after something happend which bring the day to the extreme bottom.Btw saw a duet of Sun and JJ.

who do you think you are? you want you can do what ever you like? didn't know you are such an fucker. think by doing this very shiok? have you ever think of them? how they feel? did you care to have a thought for them? can u look after him after taking him away? never know there is really such kind of people living in this world. suck a disgrace that you entered my family and cause so much trouble. Once the paperwork is done hope that you will fuck off and never take a step into my house after we move and i will not give a dam to you in whatever state you are in!

Since my co.cc blog have alot of probs on the server side and there is always bot spam @ my wall, i decided to use back the old and classic blogger! Today went for Derricks & Ruxin's Holy Mat. Went to help out as an usher and it was fun there and so romantic sia! Then after that went to Town wif N237 and wanting to buy shoe and slippers. Walked the whole day and everyone got what they wanted but i only gotten a pair of slippers... haiz.. maybe tml aft svc go JP look again or wad lo... tml servin Stage 2 and Jin Cai doing Stage 1. So both of us switch haha... think JC is overtaking me alr... jia lat jia lat lolz... haha jkjk, but i do belive thet JC can be a good S1 de! Tml also will be voting the awards for the ushers... wonder who will win the various awards...

About me

Guowei currently study DIDM in RP and in W14E.
Attending City Harvest Church, in a lovely cg N355 and having fun serving in Usher Ministry in G15S1B. Knows how to play guitar and a Apple supporter!


New phone (preferably Iphone 3GS)
Give tution (more money)
New CPU casing (Half/Full Tower)
My own room after moving to Yishun
Able to do well academically