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CHC 20th anniversary was great! Took sam dad's car to SIS. reach Yew Tee at about 6.45 i think? Travelling time was only about 20 mins. compare to Mrt cum bus it was alot shorter lol. Alot of people took taxi to SIS as we saw like about 20 taxis before us wanna turn into the SIS and alot more after us lol... then we were like the only car there. Reached there and went to meet Christ they all. Willie went in to book sits for us since he is meeting Dev lol.. We sat at A05 area in the North. View kinda good. Was given boards to show during the anniversary Kinda nice as around the SIS alot ppl also have. 1st service was kinda good, But i prefer the 2nd service. The video of the 20 years of the church was funny lol. Pst Kong really change alot haha. Then pst tan play guitar during CG years ago and alot more funny stuff lol. What i like most is the children band! youngest member is 5 years old and the oldest is only 12! Was blown away by them when they lead us in a praise song! Like the guitarist most lol... the green shirt with a martin guitar haha... look abit like bur blur like that lolz. after that went to Suntec to eat and head home.

Then yst after school went to collect my canvas as we are able to collect it. then after that went to help clean my old house. Bro switch room with me. So my room now look more big. The previous is long ang brighter. Now kinda dark and the window is yellowish as my bro used to burn joss stick in the room. sian cannot wash away. But since now my room is at the walkway side i can play guitar at night and not fearing that people will come and complain lol. Hope can buy new com table... from Ikea the long table. $70+ only... but no car to help bring back le sianz... maybe later going to help wash the house also. moving this sat~sun so might not be going for service this week. sian... maybe ltr before going yishun got play pool?? see how lo haha.


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About me

Guowei currently study DIDM in RP and in W14E.
Attending City Harvest Church, in a lovely cg N355 and having fun serving in Usher Ministry in G15S1B. Knows how to play guitar and a Apple supporter!


New phone (preferably Iphone 3GS)
Give tution (more money)
New CPU casing (Half/Full Tower)
My own room after moving to Yishun
Able to do well academically